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Trademark Rectification

We specialize in Trademark Rectification services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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Trademark Rectification Overview

A trademark is a symbol used by companies to identify and set their products and services apart from those of competitors. It could be a word, phrase, symbol, logo, design, or even a name. It is employed by those persons or businesses who create their own goods and give them a personal touch in order to distinguish them from competing goods.

trademark Rectification services in chennai

Applicants for Trademark

Joint Owners

When two people decide to file a trademark application, they can do so jointly, but the trademark application must include both of their names.

Proprietorship Firm

The proprietor's full name should be included in the application. The name of the person must appear; a business name is not acceptable.

Partnership Firm

The application must include the names of each partner. The guardian's name should be listed in the trademark application if the applicant is a minor.

Limited Liability Partnership

The name of LLP will be used on the trademark application. Applications cannot be submitted by LLP partners under their own names.

Indian Company

The application will be submitted in the name of the private company, hence the director cannot be the applicant. He need just be the applicant who is permitted to sign the application on the company's behalf.

Foreign Company

Since the application will be submitted in the name of the foreign company, the director cannot be the applicant. He need just be the applicant who is permitted to sign the application on the company's behalf.

Trustor Society

If a trust or society applies for a trademark, the name of the managing trustee, chairman, or secretary must be included.

Procedure for Trademark Rectification in India

  • Applications submitted must be in the format specified.
  • Application must include the statement of the case and be submitted with the required fees.
  • Submit the application to Registrar or IPAB
  • The Registrar notifies the proprietor to file a counter statement after receiving the application.
  • The matter moves to the evidence stage after the filing of the counter-statement.
  • The rebuttal statement may be submitted by the parties as an affidavit.
  • The hearing process will begin.
  • Order will be followed.


Trademark rectification is the legal process to correct inaccuracies in the trademark register, such as errors in the owner's name, address, or any other relevant details. This ensures that the trademark information is accurate and up to date.

Trademark rectification is necessary to prevent potential disputes and maintain the validity of the trademark. Accurate registration details are crucial for protecting your intellectual property rights and avoiding legal complications.

To initiate a trademark rectification, you need to file a rectification application with the trademark office. This involves providing the necessary documentation and evidence to support your request for correction.

Required documents typically include proof of trademark ownership, a copy of the registration certificate, and any relevant documents supporting the request for rectification, such as identity proofs and address proofs.

The trademark rectification process can take several months, depending on the complexity of the case and the workload of the trademark office. It is advisable to check the status regularly and respond promptly to any inquiries.


ISO Certifications

CDSCO Medical Devices

CDSCO Cosmetic

Invitro Diagnostic Device

Hiring Documents

Business Certification


Bureau of Indian Standards

Business Collabrations

Service & vendor

Business License



Websites Policies

Business Conversations

Changes in Pvt

Annual Fillings

Changes in LLP