The United States of America's government administrative system that regulates organic food is called the National Organic Program (NOP).The United States Department of Agriculture (USDAAgricultural )'s Marketing Service (AMS) programme is also in charge of monitoring and approving the administrative system. The primary objective of the NOP is to ensure the validity of the USDA Organic designation. Products that adhere to USDA standards and have at least 95% organic components are given the seal.
The USDA was mandated to create national standards for organic products by the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. The final principle of the NOP was first published in the Federal Register in 2000 and is codified at 7 C.F.R. 205 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Control Union Certifications are approved by the US Department of Agriculture for the National Organic Program (NOP). We are able to make certification efficient and affordable while preserving the same strict professional auditing and certification procedures thanks to our extensive global network of offices operating under the auspices of our accredited Dutch head office.
NOP certification verifies that organic products meet USDA standards, allowing them to be marketed as organic.
It builds consumer trust and ensures compliance with organic regulations, enhancing market access.
Typically several months, depending on the completeness of your application and inspection scheduling.
Compliance with USDA organic regulations, including an Organic System Plan (OSP) and regular inspections.
An inspector evaluates your operations, reviews records, and assesses compliance with NOP regulations.
Annually, with an updated application and inspection.
No, it is illegal to market products as organic in the U.S. without NOP certification.
We offer guidance on applications, OSP development, inspections, and ongoing compliance assistance.
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