Joint Venture Agreement

We specialize in Joint Venture Agreement Services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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Joint Venture Agreement Overview

A group of people or businesses that want to partner up on a project or venture without having it affect their individual legal status file a joint venture (JV) agreement. The Joint Development Agreement establishes the parameters of shared effort, disparity, and makes it easier to include clauses for profit-sharing and enterprising operations. It also creates a binding contract between the two parties. Before entering into a joint development agreement, the parties involved typically create an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding).

A Joint Venture Agreement's advantages

Minimal Liability

A joint venture agreement enables a company to collaborate with another one while yet maintaining its own distinct legal identity. As a result, it is a minimum liability option for companies where 100% of FDI has been used.

Access Point To New Avenues

Without experiencing any of the drawbacks associated with conducting business as a single entity, a joint venture agreement enables you to access new markets and resources while guaranteeing that the risk is shared.

Documents Required For A Joint Venture Agreement

  • The name of the joint venture must appear on all documents pertaining to the venture agreement.
  • All records created by either member that are related to the project or venture and reflect the performance of tasks accomplished under the contract.
  • Copyrights (if any) given to one party by another party to duplicate a similar work.
  • Documents that hold the venture's members harmless from lawsuits, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of using the designs and drawings for one or more projects.

ISO Certifications

CDSCO Medical Devices

CDSCO Cosmetic

Invitro Diagnostic Device

Hiring Documents

Business Certification


Bureau of Indian Standards

Business Collabrations

Service & vendor

Business License



Websites Policies

Business Conversations

Changes in Pvt

Annual Fillings

Changes in LLP