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Halal Certification

We specialize in Halal Certification Registration services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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HALAL Certification Overview

The Arabic word halal, which meaning permissible, is used. When a product is certified as Halal, it signifies that it complies with Islamic law and is acceptable or permissible. Products must have been slaughtered in accordance with these laws and come from an acceptable source, such as a cow or chicken, in order to acquire this certification.

Who Issues HALAL Authentication/Certification ?

Halal Certification is a process that ensures the features and quality of the products in accordance with the standards established by the Islamic Council that allows the use of the imprint "Halal." It primarily applies to meat products as well as other foods including milk, food, and additives.

Documents Required to Apply for HALAL Certification

  • Official letterhead
  • Application on your official letter head
  • Nature of each product
  • Name and specific nature of each product
  • A guarantee from your business
  • A guarantee from your business that the items are made in accordance with the Halal certification requirements of the Halal Certificate of India and that alcohol, gelatin, and other animal-based components were not used in their preservation. It is necessary for the preservatives to come from Halal sources.
  • Certificate from a government-licensed laboratory
  • A certificate from a government-licensed laboratory listing the contents in your product. (Further, our office may take the appropriate steps to reconfirm the analysis report provided by the Government-licensed Laboratory.)
  • Copy of the Export licence
  • Send a copy of any current export orders
  • Please send a copy of any current export orders you receive that list the quantity of each product to be exported as well as the names of the exporting nations.
  • If accreditation for the entire manufacturing facility is required
  • If accreditation for the entire manufacturing facility is required, enclose a production area diagram and laboratory results. A team of Halal professionals inspects your unit after receiving your application.


HALAL certification is an official recognition that a product or service complies with Islamic dietary laws and is permissible for consumption or use by Muslims. It covers food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other consumable goods.

The process typically takes 4-6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the product, the documentation required, and the certification body's review process.

HALAL certification is not mandatory in all countries but is essential for businesses targeting Muslim-majority markets or consumers.

HALAL certificates are typically valid for 1-2 years, depending on the certification body. Renewal is required to maintain compliance.


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