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GDPR Registration

We specialize in General Data Protection Regulation Registration services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:


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General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] Overview

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is introduced by the European Union to safeguard the privacy of data for European citizens. In this digital age, many government organizations, private organizations, non-profit organizations, etc. have access to our personal information without our consent and are being misused. With the GDPR coming in, there will be transparency and strengthening of the fundamental rights of individuals. This data protection bill aims to provide individuals better control related to the usage of their data.

The GDPR consists of 11 chapters. This data protection bill mentions provisions regarding principles, general provisions, data rights, supervisory authorities, duties of data controllers, and so on. The GDPR compliance regulations also deal with the transfer of personal data to other countries, penal provisions, and liability and remedies for breach of rights, etc.

Points to consider while ensuring GDPR compliance

You should keep the following points in mind before proceeding to ensure GDPR compliance for your business-

  • Read the General Data Protection Regulation
  • You should go through and understand this landmark data protection bill as your business is affected by the GDPR rules. However, most of the sections in this regulation feature legal language and may be difficult to decipher at times.

  • Look at How Other Organizations Are Doing
  • Remember, it's not just you! Most of the businesses across the world are affected by GDPR rules. If you still lack a proper understanding of the general data protection regulation, and how to ensure compliance to it, reach out to other organizations who have obtained compliance already.

  • Pay Attention to Your Website
  • Data storage, cookies, and opt-ins are important constituents of a website, and this data protection bill has special provisions regarding their compliance. In addition to these, your websites may have other inbuilt tools to gather and store contact data and you need to ensure GDPR compliance for such tools as well.

  • Pay Attention to Your Data
  • The general data protection regulation insists that all your business data must comply with GDPR rules if you have a physical or digital presence in the EU. You should map how your business data is entered, stored, transferred, and deleted. This knowledge is critical to prevent breaches and to report properly in case of such a breach.


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