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Freelancer Agreement

We specialize in Freelancer Agreement Registration services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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Freelancer Agreement Overview

A freelance contract or a freelance agreement defines the terms and conditions between the freelancer and the customer. It specifies the job requirements, the timeline of the agreement, the mode and method of payment, as well as other details relevant to the execution of work by the freelancer. Over the years, with the evolution in technology, more and more work is assigned and executed through freelancers. Hence, freelance agreements have become popular, specifically in the IT sector.

Benefits of a Freelancer Agreement

Minimises Liabilities

A well-defined consultancy contract will minimize the risk of future lawsuits, as the rights and responsibilities of all involved parties are clearly defined in the consultancy contract.

Assures Confidentiality

If the nature of work requires confidentiality, a consultancy contract can be drafted accordingly.

Documents Required for Prepare Freelancer Agreement:

  • Documents that support the identities (named) of the parties involved in the agreement.
  • Documents that support the address of the parties involved in the agreement.
  • Documents that support the names of the organizations involved.


A freelancer agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions between a freelancer and their client, detailing the scope of work, payment terms, and deadlines.

It establishes clear expectations and responsibilities for both parties, helping to prevent disputes and ensuring that both the freelancer and client are protected legally.

Key elements include project scope, deliverables, payment terms, deadlines, confidentiality clauses, and termination conditions.

Yes, a freelancer agreement can be modified if both parties agree to the changes, which should be documented in writing.

If breached, the aggrieved party may seek legal remedies, which can include compensation for damages or specific performance as specified in the agreement.


ISO Certifications

CDSCO Medical Devices

CDSCO Cosmetic

Invitro Diagnostic Device

Hiring Documents

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Bureau of Indian Standards

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Service & vendor

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Websites Policies

Business Conversations

Changes in Pvt

Annual Fillings

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