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Copyright Registration

We specialize in Copyright Registration services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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Copyright Registration Overview

An individual's right to copy their own work is effectively protected by a copyright. A copyright grants the subject's owner the sole right to use his creation. If a piece of art is copyrighted, it cannot be imitated, copied, or reproduced in any other way. In India, a copyright is valid for 60 years. It is possible to claim copyright for the following works:

  • Music
  • Books
  • Manuscripts
  • Films
  • Fashion Designs
  • Training Manuals
  • Software
  • Literary Work
  • Performance
  • Paintings etc
copyright registration service-in-Chennai

Copyrights categories

Part – 1:

Literary works other than computer Programs

Part – 2:

Musical Works

Part – 3:

Artistic Works

Part – 4:

Cinematography Films

Part – 5:

Sound Recording

Part – 6:

Computer Programs, tables & Compilations

Copyrights are protected by “THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957” though there have been several amendments to the act.

Copyright Mandatory

Although copyright protection is not required, it is always advisable to obtain it because it will grant the owner a set of minimal rights over his work and the security that no one will be able to replicate it for a minimal amount of time. The owner will always be motivated to work more and produce more goods by this happiness.

Documents Needed to Register Copyright

Personal Information

  • Name, Address, and Country of Citizenship
  • Name, location, and country of origin of the work's author
  • Whether the applicant is the work's author or the author's agent will determine the nature of the applicant's interest in the copyright.
  • The original work's copies
  • Identifiable owner documentation and, if applicable, a certificate of incorporation

Nature Of The Work

  • Work's Class and Description
  • Title of the Work
  • Language of the Work
  • Date of Publication - Internal publications, such as company magazines or research papers turned in to professors, do not qualify as publications.


Copyright registration protects original works like books, music, art, and software, giving the creator legal rights to their creation and preventing unauthorized use.

It ensures that your intellectual property is legally protected, granting exclusive rights to use, reproduce, and distribute your work, and prevents infringement by others.

You can register a wide range of works, including literary works, artistic creations, musical compositions, software, websites, and architectural designs.

You can register by submitting the required forms, work samples, and fees to the copyright office. We assist throughout the process to ensure smooth registration.

Copyright protection typically lasts for the creator’s lifetime plus 60 years after their death, ensuring long-term protection for the original work.


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