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Change of Pvt Company

We specialize in Change of Private Limited Company Registration services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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Change of Private Limited Company Name

A company may change its name by simply passing a resolution in its general meeting, according to Section 13 of the Companies Act of 2013. However, approval from the Central Government and an update with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) are required for the change to take effect. The company's Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association are also significantly altered.

Please keep the following points in mind when a company's name is changed

  • Any rights/obligations of the company and any legal proceedings continued against/by the company in its former/new name are unaffected by the name change.
  • However, once the new name has been registered by the Registrar of Companies, any new legal proceedings against the company in the former name are no longer valid (RoC). The company should be treated as non-existent under its previous name. The new name, however, can be substituted by amending the plaint.
  • Legal proceedings initiated by the company under its previous name may be continued under the new name.
  • Despite the name change, the company remains the same.

Documents Required for Changing the Name of a Company

MGT-14: This e-form, along with the following documents, is to be filed with Roc (Registrar of Companies) on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs portal.

After MGT-14 is approved, the INC-24 e-form is filed with the Roc on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs Portal within 30 days, along with the following documents.

  • Extraordinary General Meeting Notice
  • A certified copy of the Egm's special resolution
  • Egm's explanatory statement
  • Copies of the amended Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA) with the new company name
  • A certified true copy of the company's EGM minutes
  • Notification of the EGM
  • If applicable, a copy of any approval order received from other authorities such as IRDA, SEBI, RBI, and so on.
  • Copy of the resolution agreement, indicating who voted for and against the resolution.
  • Copies of the modified MoA and AoA with the new company name
  • Other documents pertaining to any other information requested as optional attachments.


Changing your company name can help align it with your current business vision, enhance branding, or comply with legal requirements.

The process involves obtaining shareholder approval, filing the necessary forms with the Registrar of Companies (RoC), and updating your business documents and licenses.

Yes, the new name must comply with the naming guidelines set by the RoC, and you should ensure it is not identical or similar to existing company names.

The name change process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the RoC's processing time and the completeness of your documentation.

Yes, it’s important to inform your clients and stakeholders about the name change to avoid confusion and ensure continued business relations.


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