Medical Device Registration

We specialize in Medical Device Registration services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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CDSCO Medical Device Registration Overview

With a significant contribution from device imports, India is currently one of the largest international markets for medical devices. Before, medical device makers in India were free to sell their products wherever. Since 2006, all medical devices entering India must adhere to the CDSCO's Indian Medical Device Regulations. For particular types of medical devices governed by the Medical Device Rules, there is currently a formal procedure for medical device registration in India.

Medical equipment and IVD (In-Vitro Diagnostics) sold in India are governed by the CDSCO (Central Drug Standard Control Organization). The State Licensing Authority (SLA) and CLA jointly hold the approval authority, while the CDSCO is led by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) (Center Licensing Authority). Medical device production, import, sales, and distribution in India are governed by the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules, 1945. Therefore, in India, CDSCO Medical Device Registration is required.

Which Regulating Bodies in India are Charged with CDSCO Medical Device Registration?

  • The manufacture approval of specific pharmaceuticals, such as blood products, vaccines, high volume parenteral, r-DNA derived), specific medical devices, and innovative drugs, is the responsibility of the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI)
  • The primary regulating authority for pharmaceuticals and medical devices in India is the CDSCO (Central Drug Standards Control Organization)
  • The Drugs & Cosmetic Acts and Rules of India govern the import, sale, manufacture, and distribution of medical equipment in that country.
medical device registration service in Chennai

Classification of Indian Medical Device

In India, there are several categorization systems for IVD and medical devices, and each of these systems is divided into 4 classes according to the degree of risk associated with these devices. The table listing the four different types of Indian medical devices is below:

Device Class Risk Range
A Low Risk
B Low Moderate Risk
C Moderate-High Risk
D High Risk

Who May Submit a CDSCO Medical Device Registration Application in India?

The list of individuals who may apply for CDSCO Medical Device Registration in India is as follows:

  • India serves as the Manufacturer's registered office
  • the manufacturer's authorized representative
  • the Manufacturer's Affiliate
  • any additional imports
  • Domestic producer.

Different Types of Applications for CDSCO Medical Device Registration in India

A website called SUGAM is where all applications for CDSCO Medical Device Registration in India (for both Notified and Non-Notified Devices) must be uploaded, and this is also where CDSCO manages the applications

  • Devices that are not on the list of Notified Devices are not subject to regulation in India. However, a list of these devices will be posted on CDSCO's official website. To commercialise these products, foreign or overseas manufacturers must have an IAA based in India.
  • Devices that have been notified: The CDSCO is in charge of the 37 different device categories that are listed in the Notified List. The CDSCO must also be notified in advance before marketing any of these devices in India. When submitting an application for CDSCO Medical Device Registration, there are various application kinds, and each has its own set of paperwork requirements.

Applicant Type Class Of Device Application Form License Form
Importer A,B,C,D MD-14 MD-15
Manufacturer A,B MD-3 MD-5
Loan License A,B MD-4 MD-6
Manufacturer C,D MD-7 MD-9
Loan License C,D MD-8 MD-10

Manufacture of Medical Devices - CDSCO Medical Device Registration in India

The list of individuals who may apply for CDSCO Medical Device Registration in India is as follows:

  • Step 1: You must submit an application for a licence to manufacture certain notified devices in India .
  • Form 27 must be submitted to the SLA (State Licensing Authority) together with a copy to the DCG Office and the fee in the manner and form specified in the proposed rules.

  • Step 2: From the moment these rules were published, applicants would have 60 days to submit their applications for manufacturing.
  • Step 3: No production will be allowed
  • No production will be allowed moving forward without the competent authority's approval in accordance with the standards set in the case of devices belonging to the aforementioned categories that had not been produced in the nation before the notification date.

  • Step 4: When submitting an application to the licencing body, the applicant must provide the following information:

  • Details Of Manufacturing:

    • 1. a general description, including the names and addresses of the company's directors as well as the locations of its manufacturing facilities and registered offices
    • 2. A succinct project illuminating the company's plan, a made device, their feasibility, and other key profiles
    • 3. a duplicate of the site master file
    • 4. Specifics about the company's criteria for product inspection and Good Manufacturing Practices
    • 5. Copies of any ISO or other certificates that the business has achieved for its manufacturing facilities, if necessary
    • 6. An explanation in detail of how the intended production of the devices will be carried out
    • 7. The technical staff members whose qualifications, backgrounds, and names will be used to produce the devices

    Details Of The Product:

    • 1. A brand or a proprietary name
    • 2. Type of device
    • 3. The use process and the intended use
    • 4. A succinct explanation of the apparatus
    • 5. Materials utilised and their specifications
    • 6. Modifications to the device's design, dimension, or shape, if any
    • 7. Recommendations for storage
    • 8. Where appropriate, warnings, contraindications, precautions for anticipated negative outcomes, and alternative therapies
    • 9. Brief descriptions of any issues that have been reported
    • 10. Specifications of the constituents' qualities and quantities
    • 11. A list of the equipment or accessories that must be used with the device. further details on the product's description, including any accessories included with it
    • 12. A description of the packaging including pack sizes
    • 13. Labeling information that complies with the 1945 Drugs and Cosmetics Rules
    • 14. English-language promotional materials and medical manuals
    • 15. The device's use in a medical specialty
    • 16. The production units have testing facilities accessible

  • Step 5: Expert committees must be established to thoroughly review the information provided by the applicant for the device evaluation in order to study medical devices that are either new or lack benchmark certification
  • Step 6: The committee submits its recommendation for the acceptability of the device to the appropriate authorities for consideration in granting authorisation to commercialise the device
  • Step 7: The SLA would submit the licence to CLAA for approval following the joint verification and inspection.
  • Step 8: After receiving proper clearance from CLAA, the licence will be given in accordance with mentioned rules' Form 28


Medical Device Registration is the process of obtaining approval from the CDSCO (Central Drugs Standard Control Organization) to legally sell or distribute medical devices in India. It ensures compliance with the Medical Device Rules, 2017.

Manufacturers, importers, or distributors of medical devices intended for use in India need to apply for this registration. Foreign manufacturers must appoint an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR).

Medical devices are classified into three categories: Class A (low risk), Class B (low to moderate risk), Class C (moderate to high risk), and Class D (high risk). Registration requirements vary based on classification.

Required documents include the product’s technical details, Free Sale Certificate (FSC), ISO 13485 certification, labeling information, product samples, and test reports (if applicable).

The process typically takes 4 to 6 months, depending on the classification of the device and the completeness of the application submitted to CDSCO.


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