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CDSCO Cosmetic Import

We specialize in CDSCO Cosmetic Import Registration services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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CDSCO Cosmetic Import Overview

In India, the corrective industry is rapidly growing, with a massive bazaar for corrective and claimed affliction products. To ensure the quality, safety, and capability of cosmetics actuality alien into India, there should be regulations in place. According to Rule 21 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rule 1945, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare charge affair a CDSCO Corrective Import Allotment Certificate. For CDSCO Corrective Import Allotment in India, the affidavit is all-important from the above authoritative body, which is accustomed from the Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). With this registration, affairs and importing cosmetics can be done after adversity in India. The 1940 Drugs and Cosmetics Act governs CDSCO Corrective Import Allotment in India.

What is the acceptation of Cosmetic?

Cosmetics accommodate any items that are acclimated as apparatus of corrective appurtenances and are advised to be scrubbed, sprayed, poured, or amid into the animal anatomy in adjustment to change, apple-pie up, or enhance the appearance.

What is the Role of CDSCO for Corrective Acceptation in India?

  • Amendments to the 2020 Corrective Rules apropos the allotment and acceptation of corrective items
  • Reviewing altered requests for NOCs (No Objection Certificates) or clarifications apropos the acceptation of cosmetics
  • Handling of complaints about the calibre of corrective items fabricated to NGOs, the accepted public, or customer forums
  • Responding as all-important to accord from the government or the BIS
  • Examining requests for CDSCO Corrective Acceptation Allotment in accordance with the rules and requirements of the 1940 Drugs and Cosmetics Act Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules;
  • Handling of complaints about the calibre of corrective items fabricated to NGOs, the accepted public, or customer forums
  • Drafting of beaker responses to queries from the Parliament and RTI requests about cosmetics and references from VIPs and acknowledged cases
cdsco cosmetic import registration service in chennai

Who can apply for CDSCO Cosmetic Import Registration in India?

The following applicants are eligible to apply for CDSCO Cosmetic Import Registration in India in accordance with the Drugs & Cosmetic Act, 1945:

  • Authorised Agent: If the manufacturer has given permission for a representative to import cosmetics on their behalf.
  • A manufacturer's subsidiary : The Indian subsidiary company may submit a CDSCO Cosmetic Import Registration application on behalf of any overseas cosmetic manufacturer.
  • Manufacturer : The applicant for CDSCO Cosmetic Import Registration in India may also be the manufacturer
  • Any Other Importer : This licence or registration is open to any Indian importer who wishes to bring cosmetics into India from a foreign producer

Documents appropriate for CDSCO Corrective Acceptation Registration

The afterward is some important affidavit bare back registering for a CDSCO corrective import:

  • Covering Letter : Accommodate advice about any ahead accepted acceptation allotment certificates (if any), the artefact or artefact category, and the purpose (fresh/endorsement of products, backpack size, added sourcing location, accomplishment site, or re-registration) (whether registered or not).
  • The manufacturer, his authorised distributor, importer, or abettor charge accommodate assertive advice and an adventure with the appliance anatomy for an acceptation allotment certificate. Each appliance on Anatomy COS-1 charge be appropriately abounding out in the format.
  • List Of Composition Or Ingredients :
    • 01. Corrective name and capacity listed in accepted advertence nomenclature, forth with the allotment of anniversary additive in the cosmetic, active by an authorised alone and formed by the maker.
    • 02. Only the colours, pigments, and dyes accustomed by the BIS, which includes the 10th schedule, may be acclimated in cosmetics that are fabricated or imported.
    • 03. The acceptable accustomed and constructed amoebic colours acclimated in the Corrective may not comprise added than:

  • 20 genitalia per actor of advance bent to be lead
  • computed as arsenic trioxide, 2 genitalia per million
  • The absolute of the agnate metals is computed as 100 genitalia per actor for abundant metals added than lead.
    • 01. The corrective artefact shall not accommodate any of the raw abstracts listed in ANNEX A of IS: 4707 Allotment 2, as adapted from time to time.
    • 02. Hexachlorophene-free cosmetics cannot be produced. Hexachlorophene may be acclimated in soaps in concentrations that do not beat 1% weight by weight with a admonishing characterization that charge be acutely arresting on the amalgamation of every soap.
    • 03. The amounts of mercury in cosmetics produced or alien into the nation charge be as follows:
    • 04. A best of 70 genitalia per actor (0,007%) of mercury, abstinent as the metal, as a bactericide in cosmetics advised alone for use in the eye area
    • 05. Unplanned mercury levels in added final corrective appurtenances charge not be added than one allotment per actor (1 ppm).
    • 06. It is banned to colour cosmetics application substances including arsenic and lead.

  • Labels for Proposed Products : According to Chapter VI of the Cosmetics Rules, 2020, the aboriginal characterization for the proposed corrective artefact or item, forth with any variants, included the following:
    • 01. Corrective brand
    • 02. The abounding manufacturer's name and address, including the area of the accomplishment ability area the corrective was created. If the artefact wasn't fabricated at a branch that belonged to the manufacturer, the characterization should accommodate "Made in (Country Name)" or the name of the architect and the country area the artefact was absolutely made
    • 03. Date of expiry, use before, use by, or cessation X months from the date of production
    • 04. A appropriate accumulation or lot number
    • 05. The accomplishment licence number, which is preceded by the belletrist M, M.L. No., or Mfg. Lic. No., charge be displayed on alien and close labels
    • 06. A account of the net capacity that includes a after calculation if the agreeable is disconnected and is bidding in agreement of weight for solids, aqueous measure/weight for semi-solids, and aqueous admeasurement for liquids
    • 07. In the case of cosmetics, every central characterization charge acutely accompaniment abundant instructions for safe use, caution, or any appropriate charge that the applicant is bare to attach to
    • 08. If alien cosmetics are to be awash in India, the CDSCO Corrective Import Allotment number, which charge be preceded by the letter RC or Reg. Cert. No. or RC No, as able-bodied as the importer's name and address, charge be listed on the assemblage backpack label
    • 09. If a corrective amalgamation alone has one label, it charge accept all the advice that charge be presented on both the close and added exoteric labels in accordance with the requirements
    • 10. The capacity that are present in a absorption of added than 1% charge consistently be mentioned in bottomward adjustment of aggregate or weight as they are added, followed by the capacity that are present in a absorption of according to or beneath than 1%, in any order, and preceded by the byword "INGREDIENTS";
    • 11. The Corrective shall attach to all labelling specifications, if any, included in the applicative Indian accepted accustomed by BIS for the cosmetics covered by the 9th Schedule.
    • 12. No corrective may be alien unless it has been packaged and labelled in accordance with these regulations. The characterization of alien cosmetics charge accommodate the product's allotment affidavit cardinal as able-bodied as the name and abode of the CDSCO Corrective Import Allotment holder for the purpose of business the anxious artefact in India.

  • Specification & Testing Methods: The maker charge accommodate the document's specifications. The cosmetics testing action and requirements chase the guidelines categorical in the Cosmetics Rules, 2020 for the acclimated product.
  • Packing Note (If Any).
  • Manufacturing Permits: Original certified copies of Manufacturing Registrations, Licenses, or Marketing Authorizations for Activated Articles issued by the Regulatory Authority from the Country of Agent or Undertaking.
  • Free Auction Certificate:This affidavit is accustomed by the Indian Embassy in the abode of agent or by the National Regulatory Authority of the nation for the activated products. The arising authority's signature and brand charge arise on the account of articles included in the chargeless auction certificate. A Chargeless Auction Affidavit (FSC) should specify which country the applied-for appurtenances is awash advisedly in.
  • Statement Regarding Non-Animal Testing
  • Hexachlorophene & Heavy Metal Declaration
  • COS-I appliance form.
  • Challan TR-6 (In Original).

Procedure for CDSCO Corrective Acceptation Allotment in India

The accomplish for CDSCO corrective acceptation allotment in India are as follows:

  • Step 1: When a ambassador intends to annals their articles in India, they charge aboriginal argue the CDSCO's Gazette Notification afore extensive a final cessation apropos the device's authoritative cachet and categorization.
  • Step 2: Appointment of an Indian Representative To acquaint with the CDSCO, the architect charge accredit an authorised Indian agent. A Power of Attorney will be provided to the abettor to baby-sit allotment and importing in India and aid with corrective permits.
  • Step 3: Complete the CDSCO Corrective Acceptation Allotment Appliance Form: The importer or maker of cosmetics charge abide the Allotment Anatomy to the Drug Controller General of India (DGCI) by logging assimilate the CDSCO website afterwards establishing an agent, calm with all the accordant acknowledging affidavit and the assigned fee.
  • Step 4: Issuance Of CDSCO Corrective Acceptation Allotment Certificate: Afterwards the appliance form, documentation, and fee are submitted on the CDSCO website, the DGCI Allotment Ascendancy may acquaintance the architect or the authorised importer abettor with a catechism via an analysis letter. A corrective acceptation licence may be issued already the ascendancy is absolutely annoyed with the application.


It is a mandatory registration process for importing cosmetics into India. The registration ensures compliance with the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, and other safety standards.

Foreign cosmetic manufacturers and Indian importers who wish to sell or distribute cosmetics in India must obtain this registration. Foreign entities require an Authorized Indian Agent (AIA) for the process.

orm COS-1 must be submitted for cosmetic import registration. It should be filed via the CDSCO SUGAM portal along with the required documents.

Documents include product labels, ingredient lists, Free Sale Certificate (FSC), manufacturing license from the country of origin, product specifications, and fees payment proof.

The registration certificate is valid for three years from the date of issue. Renewal is required to continue importing cosmetics into India.


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