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Add Directors

We specialize in Add a Director's Registration services to help your business meet compliance requirements and contribute to sustainable growth. Our services include the following:

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Add a Director's Introduction

The Articles of Association of a corporation are the source of power from which the Board of Directors derives the right to appoint new directors to the Board or dismiss existing ones, in accordance with sections 260 and 284 of the Companies Act, 1956. The addition of Directors must be covered under the articles of incorporation. The individual chosen must meet the requirements of the applicable Articles of Association sections and provide written consent to serve as a director, which the company must record with itself.


Documents needed for Pvt Ltd Company Changes

  • Passport
  • PAN card as identification proof, self-attested
  • Residency documentation (e.g., electricity bill, rental agreement, Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, Passport, Driving License)
  • A passport-sized photo
  • Certificate of the proposed Director's digital signature
  • Passport required for foreign applicants; PAN card required for applicants from India


  • In accordance with Section 161(1) of the Companies Act of 2013, confirm whether the company's articles (AOA) enable the appointment of an extra director. If the company's articles of incorporation do not contain any such clauses, they should be modified to include a provision for the addition of a second company director.
  • Second, submit a DSC application (Digital Signature Certificate)
  • Request a DIN (Director Identification Number)
  • If the individual set to become the new Director does not have a DIN, the company must be informed. In this scenario, the Company must adopt a Board Resolution before requesting a DIN for the suggested individual. This Resolution and Form DIR 3 must be submitted together.
  • Once acquired, the DIN acts as the Director's permanent identification number.
  • Gather the essential information and documents needed for the process.
  • Forms DIR-2, DIR-12, and Form DIR-8 must be recorded at the ROC.
  • The proposed Director must sign Form DIR-2 indicating his or her agreement to serve as the Director. Before suggesting somebody to be the Director, it is necessary to collect this document because it is one of the most crucial ones that is required to add a new director.
  • Obtain the consent or approval of the person who will be chosen to serve as a director of the organisation under the suggested design.
  • If the company wishes to nominate him as a director, then the individual should be confirmed as a director by shareholder resolution at the general meeting.

Add Directors in Private Limited Company

To add a director, the company must pass a board resolution, file Form DIR-12 with the Registrar of Companies, and provide necessary documents such as the director's consent and identity proof.

Documents required include the director's consent, identity proof (such as PAN or Aadhar), and a declaration of non-disqualification.

Yes, a private limited company can have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 15 directors. More than 15 directors require a special resolution.

Yes, a foreign national can be appointed as a director in a private limited company, subject to compliance with the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) regulations.

If a director resigns, the company must file Form DIR-12 with the Registrar of Companies and update its records accordingly. The resignation takes effect from the date mentioned in the resignation letter.


ISO Certifications

CDSCO Medical Devices

CDSCO Cosmetic

Invitro Diagnostic Device

Hiring Documents

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