EPR For Plastic Packaging Registration Overview

  • The 2016 Plastic Waste Management Rules introduced extended producer responsibility (EPR), holding plastic waste producers accountable for their disposal. EPR targets waste quantity and weight, encouraging recycling through collecting stations and financial incentives. The policy aims to reduce environmental impact by encouraging recycling.
  • Our offerings include
  • Free consultation for new clients
  • Validation of data for all papers submitted
  • A dedicated affiliate should be assigned to handle the application


Who Can Apply For EPR For Plastic Packaging

  • The criteria for participating in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) initiatives for plastic packaging include producers, importers, brand owners, and retailers who introduce plastic packaging into the market.
  • Businesses involved in the design, manufacture, import, or sale of plastic packaging materials are eligible to participate in EPR programs.

Documents required for EPR For Plastic Packaging Registration

In India, the following paperwork is needed for plastic packaging to be registered under the EPR:


Company information

PAN, GST, CIN, incorporation certificate, business certification, IEC (for importers), and GST

Details about the authorized person

Aadhar or PAN, a scanned copy of the signatures, and information about the designated individual

Production information

Process flow diagram, plastic consumption data for the previous two years, amount of plastic garbage generated before and after consumers, and product details

Details of consent

If the unit has a production facility, SPCB/PCC consents; moreover, SPCB/PCC air and water consents

Additional information

Geotagged photos of the storage, production, dispatch, and plant machinery areas; DIC registration, if the unit is registered with DIC; a covering letter; and any other information the unit desires to offer Details of the packaging are indicative.

Process EPR For Plastic Packaging Registration:

  • Producers must first identify the types and quantities of plastic packaging they introduce into the market as a starting point for the EPR process.
  • Following identification, producers are required to register with the relevant regulatory authority and provide detailed reports on their packaging data, recycling targets, and recycling fees.
  • Producers must also design and implement effective collection, recycling, and recovery systems to meet their recycling obligations, further contributing to sustainability efforts.
  • Compliance with EPR for Battery Waste Registration also requires companies to keep meticulous records of battery collections, recycling methods, and disposal pathways, demonstrating their adherence to regulations and sustainability goals.
  • Ongoing monitoring and reporting are crucial in order to track progress and make any necessary adjustments to the EPR process.
  • Collaboration with stakeholders, including recyclers and government agencies, is essential for successful EPR implementation and achieving sustainable outcomes.
  • By diligently following these steps, producers can play a significant role in reducing plastic waste and actively contribute to the development of a circular economy.
  • The EPR process ensures that producers take responsibility for the environmental impact of their plastic packaging throughout its lifecycle.
  • Through EPR, producers are encouraged to adopt more sustainable practices, leading to a decrease in plastic waste and a more environmentally conscious approach to packaging production.

Benefit EPR For Plastic Packaging Registration

Reduce environmental impact:

By implementing an EPR program for plastic packaging registration, companies can lower their carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.

Improve brand reputation

showing a commitment to sustainable practices through EPR for plastic packaging registration can enhance a company's image and attract environmentally conscious consumers.

Save costs

By participating in an EPR program, companies can streamline their waste management processes and potentially reduce expenses associated with plastic packaging disposal.

Encourage innovation

EPR for plastic packaging registration incentivizes companies to find new, more environmentally friendly packaging solutions, driving innovation in the industry.

Comply with regulations

EPR programs for plastic packaging registration are becoming increasingly mandatory in many regions, so participating can ensure companies remain compliant with regulations.


What is EPR for plastic packaging?

EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) for plastic packaging is a policy approach that holds manufacturers responsible for the entire life cycle of their products, including the management of packaging waste.

Why is EPR important for plastic packaging?

EPR is important for plastic packaging as it encourages manufacturers to design more sustainable packaging, promotes recycling and waste reduction, and shifts the responsibility of managing packaging waste from taxpayers to producers.

What are the benefits of implementing EPR for plastic packaging?

Some benefits of implementing EPR for plastic packaging include increased recycling rates, reduced environmental impact, improved resource efficiency, and cost savings for municipalities.

Does EPR for plastic packaging only apply to certain types of plastics?

EPR for plastic packaging typically applies to all types of plastics used in packaging, including PET, HDPE, LDPE, PVC, and others.

Does EPR for plastic packaging apply to online retailers?

EPR for plastic packaging can apply to online retailers if they are responsible for introducing packaging into the market. However, the specific obligations may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the retailer's role in the supply chain.